Trying to Handle a Soft Tissue Car Accident Injury Case without a Lawyer

by Amber Cortez | March 21st, 2019 | Auto Accident, Driving Tips

Nobody likes to deal with a car crash, much less the potential injuries that can come with one.

Do you know what’s even worse? Suffering a soft tissue injury as a result of the car wreck. While it’s always recommended that you seek out legal guidance after being involved in a serious accident, you may decide to handle the situation on your own.

Again, it is highly recommended that you seek our legal counseling from trustworthy personal injury lawyers, like those at J. Gonzalez Injury Attorneys. However, should you decide to handle your insurance settlement and other legal dealings on your own, then please consider the following information.

Understanding What Soft Tissue Injuries Are

Soft tissue refers to the connective tissues that support and surround other structures and organs in your body. Soft tissue can include muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and other tissues. While soft tissue injuries are not seen as serious as broken bones, they can still cause significant damage and lead to long-lasting injuries that require frequent medical care.

Unfortunately, without proper medical documentation, it can be difficult proving your injury. This is especially true because of the stereotype that individuals tend to fake these types of injuries.

Sadly, many attorneys are wary of taking these types of cases. From their point of view, if you have just a couple of bruises that are treatable and which will go away after a few weeks, and there is barely a scratch on your vehicle, then your case may not be “worth it.”

On the other hand, a whiplash injury is one of the most severe types of soft tissue injuries and occurs when your head is forced into a forward/backward motion at a rapid rate. In a worst-case scenario, the injury can cause permanent neck damage.

You are much more likely to find legal representation for these types of injuries and also attain compensation.

If all else fails, you can still argue for a settlement without an attorney but there are several factors you need to be aware of, including one of the most vital – honesty.

Settling a Soft Tissue Injury Case on Your Own

As mentioned before, there have been one too many instances where the plaintiff either (A) falsely claims an injury when they are perfectly healthy (B) or intentionally creates a scenario where they can file a claim and take the case to court.

This is known as malingering and is illegal. If, for instance, you lie to your doctor or even the insurance company, and they discover that you have provided false information, you can be cited for committing a fraudulent claim.

However, if you have truly suffered an injury and are attempting to settle a soft tissue injury claim without a lawyer, then obtain the following forms of evidence:

  • Accident Report: This report is created by the police officer who attends you following your crash and contains information about who was involved, where the incident occurred, the cause of the accident, injuries and other details.
  • Photographs, Video, & Audio: Important sources of evidence, photos, video or audio can prove that the accident took place, as well as provide visual cues of the damages you suffered. Take pictures of:
    • Any injuries
    • Your progress throughout treatment
    • Property damages
    • The scene of the accident
  • Statements and Notes: If you are capable of doing so following your personal injury accident, ask any witnesses for their contact information so you can gather statements from them. You should also keep a journal to write notes about your injuries and how they are affecting your life following the accident.
  • Medical Records & Bills: Medical records will provide details about your personal injury while medical bills will demonstrate the cost of your treatment. Keep all medical bills, hospital statements, prescriptions, receipts, discharge information and treatment documentation you may receive. Make sure to get a doctor’s note if he determines you should not go to work while you recuperate.
  • Communication with Insurance Company: Any communication with insurance companies should be recorded either in text or audio. Save all emails as well.
  • Keep Documents on Lost Wages: Since you may be entitled to recovery for these damages, you need to collect evidence which shows how much you have lost since your personal injury.

You need to also be aware of the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim against the party that caused you damage. In the state of Texas, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is 2 years.

Additionally, if you were severely injured, you need to seek medical treatment immediately. Failing to get treatment will make it appear as if your injuries were not that serious or that they were caused by some other incident. Also, when talking with your health care provider, make sure to be as honest as possible about the injuries you have suffered and any pre-conditions that could have contributed to your pain.   

Last, but not least, do not lie to the insurance adjuster. While you’ll want to be extremely careful about the information you provide them, outright lying to an insurance company will likely end with your case being thrown out and you not receiving any compensation from your insurer.

If you are uncertain about handling your soft tissue injury case on your own, then trust in the dedicated and committed team of J. Gonzalez Injury Attorneys to fight for every penny you deserve.

Any type of legal case can be complex and challenging to handle on your own. When you are in need of justice and recovery for the personal injury you have suffered, let the experienced and successful J. Gonzalez Injury Attorneys handle your case for you.

Contact us at any of our McAllen, Brownsville, or Rio Grande City offices to set up your free consultation.


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