Dealing with a Hit and Run Accident

by Amber Cortez | November 5th, 2016 | Auto Accident, Blog

When it comes to sharing the road with other drivers, one can never be too careful. Many drivers are friendly while behind the wheel and considerate of others, while other motorists may drive aggressively and have a difficult time remaining aware of the needs of the other drivers.

Because of negligent behavior, accidents have essentially become a norm, and they occur whether one is complying to state laws or not.

For this reason, it is important to know the measures you should take if you are involved in a hit-and-run accident.
If you’ve had to deal with the unfortunate consequences of a hit-and-run accident, do not hesitate to contact the J. Gonzalez Injury Attorneys to get the legal representation you need to fight for justice.

What to do if you’ve been hit, but the person at fault is nowhere to be found.

Hit-and-run accidents are very common among traffic accidents. However, many motorists are often unsure about what exactly it is they should do or who to refer to in a situation of this nature.

The best thing to do is stay calm.

It is probably easier said than done, but remaining calm is a powerful asset, as it will help you to stay focused and gather as much information as possible of the scene and your surroundings. Pay attention to the car at fault and try your best to get as many details as possible, especially his or her license plates.

Obtaining this information will assist in tracking the individual down to his or her physical address. If there are other witnesses at the scene, try to obtain their contact info so that they can aid in giving testimony on your behalf if needed.

Nevertheless, do not forget to call an officer to report your accident, and if you feel that you were hurt, get medical attention right away.

Notify your insurance company immediately.

Because Texas is a comparative fault state, the negligent driver who is responsible for the accident is required to pay for your damages. Law firms can help to locate the responsible party and insurance companies can force the liable driver to pay their entire policy limit because they fled the scene.

However, it’s important to recognize that if the responsible party cannot be found, then insurance companies cannot pursue proper damages. This is why it is vital that you purchase insurance coverage that covers:

  • Uninsured motorist
  • Personal injury protection
  • Medical payments
  • Collision
  • Rental
  • Towing

As many who are involved in hit-and-run accidents do not have liability insurance, it is highly recommended that drivers also have uninsured motorists benefits. This doubles as underinsured motorist coverage if the at-fault driver’s coverage limits are not sufficient to pay for all the damages.

The aftermath of fleeing the scene of an accident.

Texas laws require every motorist involved in a traffic collision stop to exchange insurance and contact information. When people fail to comply to these regulations, the accident is labeled as a hit-and-run.

People decide to flee the scene for various reasons including:

  • Fear of being detained
  • Driving under the influence
  • A previous criminal record
  • Not having an insurance policy at all

Individuals who flee the scene of an accident often fail to understand that there are major penalties for this type of behavior. If caught, individuals can be charged with a misdemeanor, be imprisoned, have their licensed suspended, and deal with the cancellation of their insurance policy.

Hit-and-run accidents are increasing on a yearly basis and those most affected are pedestrians. Researchers have found that those responsible for these fatal accidents are usually younger drivers, people under the influence, or motorists with no insurance.

It is highly advisable that pedestrians remain diligent and alert while they walk along the roadways, and keep a close eye on the events occurring around them.

Contact J. Gonzalez Injury Attorneys

If you have had to deal with the unfortunate crisis of a hit and run accident, you’ll need an experienced Texas injury attorney on your side. You’ll need the J. Gonzalez Injury Attorneys.

Our legal team of veteran lawyers know how stressful being in hit-and-run accident can be so we work hard and quick to help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact us here for a legal team that is with you every step of the way.


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