How do insurance adjusters gather information to make their settlement offer?

by Benjamin Treviño | October 4th, 2023 | Blog

The first person an insurance company will want to talk to about your claim is you. Therefore, an insurance adjuster will likely contact you very quickly to try to collect information from you about your claim. They will likely ask for a description of your damages, as well as what happened during your accident.

The key thing to remember when you’re contacted by an adjuster is that he or she works for the insurance company. Therefore, the adjuster is interested in helping the company, not you.

The adjuster might even go so far as to misrepresent certain things about your right to settlement, and may ask for facts they do not have a legal right to have. They will do this just to find a reason to lower their offer.

Adjusters might also ask if they can record their conversations with you. Don’t give them that permission. You have no obligation to allow them to record your statements, as they may attempt to use them against you in the future if you do allow them to record you.

Finding the worth of your settlement and moving through the settlement process can be complicated. That’s why you need a reputable personal injury attorney on your side.

The J. Gonzalez Law Firm has years of experience fighting against insurance companies to get the justice our clients deserve. Contact us for a free consultation today at 1-800-CAR-CRASH.


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